Corporate Information

Polyfin Canggih is an extensive fully integrated polyester polymerization chips and yarns manufacturing facility based in Bandung, the capital city in Indonesia's fast growing textile industry. (...)

Our Market

As the products of Polyfin Canggih are raw materials for all textile industries using polyester, all textile industry in the world are basically potential market for Polyfin Canggih. In fact, so far the company has supplied both domestic and abroad market.
With the existing high quality specification of products, Polyfin Canggih has been able to fulfil various needs for textile production.

The reputation has been earned since 1987, when PT. Artostex was the first Indonesian textile company to be represented in the world textile exhibition in Germany, Interstoff.

At the moment, the company was one of top five in terms of export sales into Europe as a whole. About 65% of production is exported to overseas countries. Market for Europe including spain, Italy and U.K. Is the largest market for the company, followed by china, Vietnam, U.S, Brazil, Korea and others part of the World. About 35% of production is shipped to the domestic market.

Polyfin has been carrying out marketing in Europe including Poland, through two sole agents. Namely one agent in the U.K. who covers for U.K. territory including Ireland, and another agent in Italy who cover the whole European region (except the U.K) and has structures sales networks by cooperating with agents in major European countries.

Location and Contact

Office : Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No. 18 Bandung - 40171- Indonesia
Plant : Jl. Raya Rancaekek Km. 19 No. 28 Desa Cipacing - Kab. Sumedang
Bandung 45363 - Indonesia
Contact :
Phone : 62-22-7798888 (Hunting)
Fax : 62-22-7798885, 7798889
Mr. Anton Heriyanto Ext.2500 Mr. Hiroyuki Sakaguchi Ext. 2300
Mr. Andi Hardiman Ext. 2800
Ms. Sofia Ext. 2301
Mr. Billy Bobby Ext. 2801
Or you can Contact Mr. Hsiao Tsaifu Pangestu @ Ext. 2211